Virtual Desktop requires the _Gestalt trap. (You may be using a system older than System 7.)
Your Shutdown Items folder cannot be found or created. The 窶弉uit Virtual Desktop窶 application cannot be installed.
Your Control Strip Modules folder cannot be found or created. The 窶弖irtual Desktop Doors窶 Control Strip module cannot be installed.
Your Extensions folder cannot be found or created. The extension cannot be installed.
Your Shutdown Items folder is locked or otherwise unwritable. The 窶弉uit Virtual Desktop窶 application cannot be installed.
Your Control Strip Modules folder is locked or otherwise unwritable. The 窶弖irtual Desktop Doors窶 Control Strip module cannot be installed.
Virtual Desktop has run out of application memory. Please increase the memory size.
The 窶弖irtual Desktop Extension窶 file appears to be corrupt. Please delete it and try again.
The item could not be opened, because you do not have enough access privileges.
The volume containing the item to open cannot be found.
The item to open no longer exists.
An alias record could not be made. There may not be enough memory available.
An alias could not be resolved. The target may have been moved, deleted, or overwritten, or it may be inaccessible due to the peculiarities of AppleShare.
The item to open 窶%P窶 could not be found. You may choose a new item, or cancel and retain the existing item.
The change to the Door menu will take effect at the next restart.
Please choose one or more modifier keys for the 窶徭hove mouse窶 option.
Please choose one or more modifier keys for the 窶徇ove mouse窶 option.
Your Extensions folder is locked or otherwise unwritable. The extension cannot be installed.
The preferences file cannot be opened. Built-in default values for preference options will apply. In particular, there will be no doors.
The 窶弖irtual Desktop Extension窶 file in your Extensions folder was not loaded at startup. You must restart your Macintosh before using Virtual Desktop.
The command could not be completed, because Finder is not running.
Virtual Desktop requires the Popup CDEF.
The 窶弖irtual Desktop Help窶 file appears to be the wrong version. Please delete it or replace it with version 窶1.9.3窶.
Please choose a distinct key for each direction.
Please press one key.
The door access window could not be created. There may not be enough memory available.
The preferences could not be written. There may not be enough memory available.
Virtual Desktop requires the FSSpec calls.
Please choose one or more modifier keys for the 窶徘ress key窶 option.
Virtual Desktop failed to register with the help server.
Help is not available. The 窶弖irtual Desktop Help窶 file may be missing or invalid.
Virtual Desktop requires the Alias Manager.
That door name is already in use. Please choose a different name.
Please press only one key.
This keyboard binding is in use by another door. Please choose a different one.
Please choose a name for the door.
Please enter a number between %d and %d.
There is no Virtual Desktop door named 窶%P窶.
The keyboard binding for door 窶%s窶 is in use by another door. No binding will be used.
Virtual Desktop cannot operate until the extension is loaded at the next restart.
The preferences file is locked or otherwise unwritable, so I can窶冲 stop asking. Sorry.
The preferences file is locked or otherwise unwritable. You will not be able to change preference options. In particular, you will not be able to make new doors, nor move or trash existing ones.
Virtual Desktop requires the _WaitNextEvent trap.
Virtual Desktop requires the Folder Manager.
Virtual Desktop requires the Process Manager.
Virtual Desktop cannot print a door.
That application no longer exists.
An internal error has occurred. Please contact the author as described in 窶弖irtual Desktop Help窶, citing error number %d.